Kenema - Biwa hiku Shirahone (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Bonbon Sakura (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Falling cherry-blossoms 花嵐 - Furoshiki 50 x 50 cm
Kenema - Hana Sui Kotsu (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Harukaze Ohanami 春風のお花見 (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Kokotsu no Haru Tabi (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Mari Sakura to Usagi (Sakura and Rabbit) 鞠桜とうさぎ - Furoshiki 90X90cm
Kenema - Mari Zakura to Usagi 毬桜とうさぎ (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Neko mo Hanami ねこも花見 Furoshiki (Japanese Wrapping Cloth)
Kenema - Ohanami Neko お花見猫 (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Ouka Nozarashi (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Sakura Fubuki (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Sakura namiki 桜並木 (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Sakura Neko (Sakura & Cat) (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Sakura Neko さくら猫 Furoshiki (Japanese Wrapping Cloth)
Kenema - Sakura Usagi (Rabbit) 桜うさぎ - Furoshiki 50 x 50 cm
Kenema - Shidare Kagami Zakura しだれ鏡桜 (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema - Tsuki Yozakura 月夜桜 (The dyed Tenugui)
Kenema- Neko mo hanami ねこも花見 - Furoshiki 90X90cm
Kenema- Sakura Buncho 桜文鳥 - Furoshiki 90X90cm